Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday, January 03, 2011

Me-Blag 1.0

Back sometime in the 'Oughts' - as in "back in Ought 6 we used to have post to MySpace if we wanted anyone to see it" *adjusts false teeth* - I got all retro and decided to start a blog. No, not this one, oddly enough, although I did my first post here around the same time.

I'm talking about You, the Viewer, a blog I ran for a bit over a year. I say a bit over a year because a friend gave it a year and I went slightly over that just to show her. EDIT: Actually substantially less than a year, looking back at it, but at least I proved her wrong.

You, the Viewer was a collection of online vids that I liked, that I posted as an attempt to edumacate the viewers of the intertubes as to the array of online content that was online, or something, It was fun and semi-educational, and I enjoyed it until I ran out of things to say. It's not that online content stopped being interesting, so much as my feeling I had less to say at the time that was interesting about it.

What has changed since then, at least with me, since that's all that really matters, is that I've spent less time looking at video and more time doing it.

I think I may repost some of those vids here over the next bit in a shameless attempt to recapture faded glory in order to comment on developments since then.

I think I'll leave you with this post, the video for which follows.

(As mentioned previously, sorta NSFW, frank discussion of bad touching)

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Starting to Blag once more

Hello there Intertubes User Person.

I've decided to resume blogging.

I know, I know, it's like Christmas all over again, and it's January 2nd, but bear with me. There'll be more to come.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What Are These Things I Do?

Hello, and welcome to my blog. The Deal With This Thing is that I go on about stuff I'm doing, stuff I'm interested in, stuff that ticks me off, and other stuff. My name is Scott Watkins, for those of you that don't know me . I am a writer, actor, filmmaker and comedian. Also, for those who don't know me, who are you, and what are you doing in my livingroom?